Flexible work environments have changed data security as we know it.
What can work from home employees do to make company data more secure? Here are a few recommendations…

Secure Servers: Secure servers should be used when working remotely. By doing this, data can be accessed, altered, disclosed or deleted only by those with authority.
Devices: Only company provided IT equipment should be used remotely in order to protect and secure company data. This equipment is constantly monitored and updated making it less likely to get hacked.
Screen Positioning: Remember to close your laptop when done. It may sound silly, but it’s critical especially in public settings, like restaurants or airports. Leaving your screen in plain view, where passers-by can see it, risks the security of the data on your screen.
Personal Email Accounts: This one may be difficult, but trust us…Don’t be tempted to use personal email accounts. This severely risks the security of the data and is also likely to be against company policy.
Printing: In order to maintain the security of data, it is important that employees only print documents when essential to do so, If printing, specific attention should be taken to keep information secure – software updates, network connection, shredding, etc.
Lastly, make sure you remote security plan is communicated regularly with your team – newsletters, team meetings, emails, etc. The security of your business is too important to risk with poor communication.