All about PaperCut

What is PaperCut? Paper Cut is a print management software that’s helping hundreds of millions of businesses around the globe to minimize waste while having a secure and easy printing experience. What does it do? It monitors and controls your print resources with easy to use administrative and user tools that can be securely accessed […]

Do you know the answers?

If you don’t…you need managed print services from TBS. Almost ninety percent of businesses are in the dark regarding how much they spend monthly on printing—paper, supplies, maintenance. If this includes you, we can help answer these questions and save you money. Managed print services will help you gain valuable insights into how your print […]

How managed print can help schools

Printing is an important and necessary function of every school. From the smallest K-12 schools to the largest multi-campus universities, teachers, paraprofessionals and administrators need a solution that enables them to bypass print problems so they can dedicate their full attention to their students. This is unfortunately not feasible when educators have to spend their […]

Remote Security

Flexible work environments have changed data security as we know it. What can work from home employees do to make company data more secure? Here are a few recommendations… Secure Servers: Secure servers should be used when working remotely. By doing this, data can be accessed, altered, disclosed or deleted only by those with authority. Devices: Only […]

What to do when nothing is printing…

If you’re standing in front of a printer that is not spitting out your documents, what should you do and where should you start? Well…take a deep breath and remember these simple tips. Most of the time it’s something easily fixable and if it’s not, then we are here to help. First, if you have […]

Don’t Ignore these Security Tips

Why Are Small Businesses Hacking Targets? The payout of a hacker getting access into the network of a small business is significantly lower for a $10 million company versus a billion dollar company. But it’s also much easier. That’s why we are here to help. Our team of experts can offer the right tips, resources, […]

Keep Software Updated

If there is one piece of advice we could give you when talking about printer maintenance, it’s UPDATE, UPDATE, UPDATE. When you install your printer software on your computer, it is not a one time only operation. As with all technology, the constant change makes it necessary for the occasional update to fix problems that […]

Toner doesn’t have to cost so much

So many IT managers out there don’t fully understand the cost of retail toner versus the savings associated with having a Managed Print Services agreement (MPS) and with prices on everything being so high these days we figured it’s important to talk about. Retail toner is often 30 to 40% higher with no Service Level […]

Got an error?

Pay Attention to All Messages on the Machine. If you see an error message, take time to read it and understand what the machine is reporting. Take a look at your machine’s manual and read the recommendations. Be aware that some are just maintenance codes indicating it’s time to service the device. If that is […]

Should we buy a used machine?

We get this question a lot and while the decision depends on the situation and budget, there are definitely things to consider when deciding whether or not to buy a used copier or MFP. One of the main benefits of purchasing a used machine is affordability. Used copy machines or MFPs are much less expensive […]