How to Conduct a Print Assessment
Physical Inventory – The first step of a print assessment is to inventory the print devices you already own. Get to know each machine…year, brand, model and whether you own or rent. Review Expenses & Usage – Next, calculate how often devices are used. Add up all of your monthly expenses for every machine. This includes supply […]
What is a Ghost Jam?
When your printer says that there’s a paper jam and there isn’t, chances are it’s because there’s a mechanical problem afoot. Often times, real paper jams could leave residue behind. This residue could interfere with printer operation long after the jam is gone. Small amounts of shredded paper can get lodged between gears that move your […]
How Print Management Can Cut Costs
Many times we get asked how print management can help cut costs. While we can probably go on forever discussing the many benefits of this service, we will only list the top ten. Reduction in paper waste Fewer printers Fewer supplies required Huge time savings for IT dept Better equipment maintenance Better security Better workflow […]
Print Security
Print security is one of the newest threats to your data. Hackers recognize this, and target out-of-date printing equipment to gain entry into networks. From there, they’ve got access to everything—your computers, your files, and your data. When firmware is not regularly updated and access credentials are easily compromised, businesses become more at-risk for hackers […]
The Lifespan of a Copier
A copier’s lifespan can differ depending on a lot of factors. It can vary depending on the brand, model, maintenance and the frequency of usage. But typically, the average life span is just five years – which is often surprising to business owners. There are ways to extend this of course…regular cleaning, maintenance and training […]